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Speaking +

[December 2023] Speaking Plus 9 Meeting up with friends

by Wagzakk 2023. 12. 13.

Unit 9


Small talk videos 1


Friend breakups


many people in your life are gonna be temporary,

ones that stick around.


잠깐 일하는 동안, 명의 친구들을 만들었습니다. 짧은 기간 이어서, 우리의 관계가 오래 지속되지 않을 거라고 생각했습니다. 예상외로, 내가 일을 그만둔 이후에도 계속 연락을 유지해왔습니다. 어떤 우정은 시간에 구속되지 않습니다; 그냥 계속 갑니다.


I made some friends during a temporary job. I didn't think our relationship would stick around since it was a short time. Surprisingly, we’ve still kept in tough since I quit. Some friendships aren't limited by time; they just stick around.


* I think that something doesn't happen ~ 구조는 쓰지 않는다.

* I don't think that something happens ~ 구조만 쓴다.


Small talk videos 2


Did you lose your friends on you way up?


get to a certain point where you realize you can't carry everyone.



내가 모든 친구와 함께 없다는 것을 깨달은 순간이 있었습니다. 어떤 친구들은 다른 직업을 선택하면서 멀어졌고; 다른 친구들은 내가 많이 버는 것을 질투해서 멀어졌습니다. 그런 일이 있을 때마다 상처가 되고, 상심하게 됩니다.


I got to a point where I realized I couldn’t carry every friend. I lost some as they chose different careers; I lost others as they were jealous about my higher income. Every time it happens, it hurts, it’s disheartening.


Sitcom 9


the song that was playing


A: 지금 배경에서 흘러나오는 노래 알아?

B: 알아. 미국 가수 노래야.

A: , 노래 들으면 지난 송년회 추억이 떠올라.

B: 송년회에 대해서 말하지면, 여자 노래 진짜 부르더라.

A: 진짜. 올해 송년회도 기대가 된다.


A: Do you know the song playing in the background now?

B: I do. It’s by an American singer.

A: Yeah, that one brings back some memories from our last year-end party. 

B: Speaking of the party, her singing was really good.

A: Indeed. Looking forward to this year’s one.