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[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_Promt 없이 대화하기_v3.5 Voice Chat_Hospitals https://youtu.be/2u9pRqfKfo0?si=QoCwYEty_esGqvwt VIDEO REVIEW v3.5으로 Prompt 없이 대화해봤다. 대화가 크게 벗어나는 느낌은 없었고 내가 원하는대로 아래 문장들을 말해주면서 대화를 이어나가면 된다. https://chat.openai.com/share/d647050e-e772-4c46-a75b-f2b9a942dbac Sentences that naturally lead the conversation without initial setup. 초기 세팅이나 Prompt 입력없이 GPT와 자연스럽게 대화할 수 있는 문장들 I want to have a conversation about [something] with you. (너랑 [something]에.. 2023. 12. 6.
[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_computers https://youtu.be/MwgmKqHjy1Y?si=wAwG_oqWciHia-kb TESTING VIDEO 1분 영상 완성! v4.0으로 Test한 영상 한문장씩 짧게 대화를 주고 받았고 내가 준 주제 및 표현에서 전혀 벗어나지 않았다. https://youtu.be/nKaBRgqjXVw?si=bHr3WWKJPnmWdA_- FULL VIDEO v3.5으로 Test한 영상 Prompt를 조금 벗어나는 한계가 있었지만 이정도면 아주 만족스러운 대화 Revised Prompt Let’s try role-playing. You must never deviate from the profile I give you. My Profile: 1. Name: Sunny 2. Age: 30 3. Nationality:.. 2023. 12. 5.
[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_YouTube Channels related to GPT Voice Chat ※ GPT Voice Chat 관련 유튜브 채널 ※ - Bridge TV https://youtube.com/@BridgeTVKorea?si=0yApCEOJJ2SgoxJt Bridge TV 브릿지 TV는 영어 교육 채널입니다. 최소 10년 이상 영어를 배우고도 제대로 영어를 구사하지 못하는 분부터, 전문 통역사가 되고 싶은 분들까지. 이 모든 분들이 영어라는 깊고 험한 강을 건널 www.youtube.com - 부기영어 https://youtube.com/@boogienglish?si=rqGpaaujb-Y0U27S 부기영어 풍요로운 영어 혜택을 누린다_부기영어 www.youtube.com GPT와 대화하실 때 참고할만한 유튜브 채널 소개드립니다. 최신 영상 몇개만 보셔도 GPT 캐릭터 설정 및 대화가 편.. 2023. 11. 29.
[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_Delievery https://youtu.be/Bk3uqlQHx2Y?si=WDNK5Xpcs0ZvuEQU 이번에도 화면 녹화 실패 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 어째 망한영상만 늘어가는것 같다. VIDEO REVIEW 아직까지 GPT에서 Text와 Voice를 동시에 제공하고 있진 않지만 GPT 모바일 기반 App과 동시에 Web browser를 사용하면 실시간은 아니어도 내가 입력한 음성과 GPT가 출력한 음성을 Text로 확인할 수 있다. 이걸 화면녹화 하고 싶었는데 오늘도 오류로 실패. 그리고 음성 속도 조절은 발음 강세를 확인하거나 특정 문장에 대해서 천천히 말해달라고 요구하면 느리게 말해주는걸 확인할 수 있다. 그러나 아직까지 전체 대화 속도를 조절하는 것은 안되는 것 같다. 그런데 이 두 가지 기능은 현재 다른 프로그램으로 보완가.. 2023. 11. 29.
[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_How to I chat with GPT_Ver 3.5 Voice Chat 1. Creating a Prompt GPT와 원활하게 대화하기 위해서는 몇가지 설정이 필요합니다. 아래 Prompt를 참고해서 자신에게 맞는 설정을 입력해주세요. 대화를 시작하기 앞서 내가 비원어민인 점과 나의 스피킹 실력을 알려주고 그에 맞는 대화 수준을 유지하도록 해주세요. 스피킹 수준은 CEFR 기준을 참고해주세요. How to evaluate my speaking level? #CEFR 그리고 대화 중에 틀린 영어를 사용하거나 부자연스러운 표현을 사용할 때 GPT가 내 영어를 바로잡도록 설정해주세요. 1. Hello, Chris. My name is [Sunny]. I'm a non-native English speaker, and I'd like to improve my English conv.. 2023. 11. 27.
[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_How to start a conversation with GPT? 1. Creating a Prompt GPT와 원활하게 대화하기 위해서는 몇가지 설정이 필요합니다. 아래 Prompt를 참고해서 자신에게 맞는 설정을 입력해주세요. 대화를 시작하기 앞서 내가 비원어민인 점과 나의 스피킹 실력을 알려주고 그에 맞는 대화 수준을 유지하도록 해주세요. 스피킹 수준은 CEFR 기준을 참고해주세요. How to evaluate my speaking level? #CEFR 그리고 대화 중에 틀린 영어를 사용하거나 부자연스러운 표현을 사용할 때 GPT가 내 영어를 바로잡도록 설정해주세요. 자, 그럼 대화를 시작해볼까요? 1. Hello, Cove. My name is [Sunny]. I'm a non-native English speaker, and I'd like to improv.. 2023. 11. 22.
[November 2023] Day 6 Topic : SNS [November 2023] Day 6 Topic : SNS Title : Elon Musk changes Twitter's bird logo to an ‘X’ Link : https://youtu.be/aXqIvqY-LgE?si=8z47FbUYJigEyVbW 1. Script Twitter users are waking up to find that little blue bird has flown The Coop as owner Elon Musk changed the iconic bird logo to the letter X; it happened this morning after he'd posted a short video of a flickering X yesterday, then overnight.. 2023. 11. 8.
[November 2023] Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad [November 2023] Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad Title : Studying abroad? You must watch this! Link : https://youtu.be/Yd0xYF4cXDE?si=c9Q8mNxAzSqyJNr7 1. Script Did you just move to another country? Here are five things you absolutely must do while studying abroad: volunteering gives you a lot of opportunities such as Canadian work experience, meeting new people, networking, and the best part is th.. 2023. 11. 7.
[November 2023] Day 4 Topic : Home [November 2023] Day 4 Topic : Home Title : 41' Tiny Home! Could You Live HERE? Link : https://youtu.be/3RIepmk7A08?si=ptEtZlrIjJ6LkYci 1. Script Let's find out if you could live in this 41-foot tiny home; let's take a look inside where you'll see the bright, open floor plan. Directly across from the entry, there's a full laundry, and to our left, the kitchen boasts a fridge and freezer, a gas ov.. 2023. 11. 7.
[November 2023] 1 minute speech : Core, Core Plus, Value-Add, Opportunistic [November 2023] 1 minute speech_Week 2 in November Presentation script Good morning, everyone. Let's dive into the four main real estate investment strategies. There are Core, Core Plus, Value-Add and Opportunistic. 'Core' investments are like the safest, most trusted stocks—good for steady money without much risk. 'Core-Plus' investments give you a bit more money by making older buildings bette.. 2023. 11. 3.
[November 2023] Day 3 Topic : Festival [November 2023] Day 3 Topic : Festival Title : Three things I always bring with me to music festivals Link : https://youtu.be/dNM6K05W8aY?si=5MuqHr4e3d4amNCB 1. Script Three things I always bring with me to music festivals to stay safe. The first thing I won't forget is my cup cover. It comes in a keychain like this, or a scrunchie. It prevents my drinks from being spiked. The second thing is my.. 2023. 11. 2.
[November 2023] Day 2 Topic : Work [November 2023] Day 2 Topic : Work Title : Private Equity Hierarchy in 40 Seconds Link : https://youtu.be/0ZH_DtMmynk?si=4wJXiJoCGkMpWOHY 1. Script There is a big dichotomy between junior roles and senior roles at private equity firms. Junior roles are really focused on building deliverables. This could be Excel financial models like an LBO. It could be a funds flow model to help close the deal... 2023. 11. 2.
[November 2023] Day 1 Topic : Beach | How to write English diary | YouTube & GPT How to write English diary with YouTube & GPT 해커스 연태흠 말하는 종합청취 | 교재 STEP 1. 나의 일기 쓰기(with. YouTube & chatGPT) 1. UNIT TOPIC과 관련된 유튜브 영상 찾기 Day 1 Topic : Beach 유튜브에 Beach와 관련된 내용 검색하고 영상 찾기 (저는 끄라비 여행을 계획하고 있어서 끄라비 해변을 검색했습니다. beach in krabi) (그리고 영상 길이가 짧은 것을 선호해서 Shorts로 설정합니다) 2. 스크립트 추출하기 (shorts/ → watch?v= : 쇼츠는 이렇게 주소를 바꿔주면 자막 추출이 더 쉽습니다) (혹은 댓글의 '~개월전'을 클릭하면 아래 화면으로 바로 넘어갑니다) (https://www.. 2023. 10. 31.
[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_How to evaluate my speaking level? #CEFR How to evaluate my speaking level? CEFR A1 (Breakthrough or Beginner) A1에서는 매일 사용하는 표현과 기본 문구를 이해하고 사용할 수 있습니다. 그들은 자신과 다른 사람을 소개하고 기본적인 개인적인 질문을 물어보고 답할 수 있습니다. 다른 사람이 천천히 말하면 간단하게 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. A2 (Waystage or Elementary) A2 레벨의 개인은 쇼핑이나 현지 지리와 같이 즉각적인 관련성이 있는 자주 사용되는 표현을 이해할 수 있습니다. 간단한 작업에서 의사소통을 할 수 있고 기본 개인 정보와 가까운 환경을 설명할 수 있습니다. B1 (Threshold or Intermediate) B1 사용자는 작업이나 학교와 같은 익숙한 문제의.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] 1 minute speech : Investors should expect the fed to cut rates in 2024: Strategist [October 2023] 1 minute speech_Week 5 in October Title : Investors should expect the fed to cut rates in 2024: Strategist Link : https://youtu.be/-YMY2_CBuZc?si=LU6-2Xlj1Z3-vg6P Time : 00:00~03:04 1. Presentation script Good morning, everyone. Let's discuss some important financial updates. The Federal Reserve has shared that the growth in wages and the rise in prices might slow down a bit. They.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 20 Topic : Whatching Movies [October 2023] Day 20 Topic : Whatching Movies Title : Christmas Movies I Watch Every Year! Link : https://youtu.be/LkDkFbzyWPs?si=x8HbNKN873LWKsaI Time : 00:00~00:58 1. Script Which Christmas movies do you watch every year? Here's mine. Elf: Nearly 20 years later, I still laugh out loud every time I watch it. Home Alone one, two, and three: I was the perfect age when one and two came out. Now, .. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 19 Topic : Restaurant [October 2023] Day 19 Topic : Restaurant Title : Here’s My Favorite Restaurant At The Mall Link : https://youtu.be/_sKYYGlDvhY?si=C7KIZYWSQJjVMH8B Time : 00:00~00:49 1. Script Here's my favorite restaurant I like to go to while I'm in the mall for some vegan gains: Mazo Vegetarian. The reason I like it is because it's all vegan and vegetarian options. So, let me show you what I get. So, right he.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 18 Topic : Pets [October 2023] Day 18 Topic : Pets Title : Something About Pet Insurance Every Dog Owner Should Know Link : https://youtu.be/X511kqi3Fcg?si=iEQ4i9p_RkiWuu75 Time : 00:00~00:53 1. Script All dog owners, stop scrolling right now. I'm back with another puppy Parenthood tip. And this one is arguably the most important: pet insurance. When you bring home your happy, healthy puppy, you never expect th.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 17 Topic : Repairs [October 2023] Day 17 Topic : Repairs Title : Damaged nails? Fix them fast with this Link : https://youtu.be/EaEkBn0HBZw?si=C5sUeHDIDA1oFhVQ Time : 00:00~00:43 1. Script My nails are absolutely destroyed. But within one week, I was able to fix them with this nail care routine. I cut them down because they were super thin and brittle. So, I didn't want any extra length. Then, I'm going to apply t.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 16 Topic : Housework [October 2023] Day 16 Topic : Housework Title : Daily Cleaning Habits! How to Keep a Clean Home Link : https://youtu.be/CYiRDMKbivs?si=THbtKrEYTRiJ5fGN Time : 00:00~00:59 1. Script So, if you want to keep a clean home, there are a few habits you should create. One being making your bed daily. I always try to make mine first thing in the morning. It might be a small accomplishment, but making the.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 15 Topic : Health [October 2023] Day 15 Topic : Health Title : Tennis has completely changed my life and I want it to change yours! 😉 #tennis #life #health Link : https://youtu.be/HJxnOf3MjJg?si=Spv39F2JlsZrhhhs Time : 00:00~00:46 1. Script It has been proven that people who play tennis live longer. Tennis will improve you also physically. It is the ultimate fitness. It works almost all the body. It's extremely c.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] 1 minute speech : [NEWs GEN] Our way of changing fate in Seoul: house subscription savings [October 2023] 1 minute speech_Week 4 in October Title : [NEWs GEN] Our way of changing fate in Seoul: house subscription savings Link : https://youtu.be/eQS80yAzhoA?si=LYLDyvLnXw6ui9Zf Time : 00:00~23:00 1. Presentation script Hello everyone! Today, let's talk about Korea's unique "house subscription system." This is a government program designed to help first-time homebuyers. If you save money.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 14 Topic : School [October 2023] Day 14 Topic : School Title : Sean Shares Why Urban Planning at U of I is the Best Major Link : https://youtu.be/mcXwOrkTPmU?si=06j657AVIGkU6mJz Time : 00:00~00:28 1. Script Hi, my name is Sean Jordan. I'm a sophomore studying urban planning here at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I'm actually from the suburbs of Chicago. I've always been one of those people who's bee.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 13 Topic : Books [October 2023] Day 13 Topic : Books Title : 5 Simple Hacks To Read Like A CEO (60 books per year) Link : https://youtu.be/AeESOFUrMcw?si=SYK1-k6sNqKjAU_K Time : 00:00~00:58 1. Script Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, sixty. This is how many books an average CEO reads a year. Here are some hacks that would help you reach that number. The moment there is a book that you're not .. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 12 Topic : Family [October 2023] Day 12 Topic : Family Title : Come on a road trip with us!🚗 Thanks to @cvspharmacy for helping us stay on track while on-the-go! Link : https://youtu.be/Mltj3nYIWNE?si=5QNuZdMH9yu1cve0 Time : 00:00~00:47 1. Script Come with us on a nine-hour road trip with three kids. For this road trip, I wanted to do something fun. I tried to prevent hearing the dreaded "are we there yet" 500 ti.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 11 Topic : TV Shows [October 2023] Day 11 Topic : TV Shows Title : EASY Way to Learn English! (Watching TV) Link : https://youtu.be/LO0v1N8YQBs?si=5B9TlizJNj1OjWuu Time : 00:00~00:56 1. Script Five English TV shows that will help you learn English. "Friends" is probably the most common TV show used for people learning English. Celebrities and all different kinds of people have credited "Friends" with helping them u.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 10 Topic : Sleeping [October 2023] Day 10 Topic : Sleeping Title : 4 EASY Tips to Adjust to Standard Time Link : https://youtu.be/xAtu9NIyJHs?si=cPEhmp4fmTctqjqL Time : 00:00~00:39 1. Script For many in the US, the first Saturday in November is the end of daylight savings time. Now, even though we gain an hour of sleep, this can still mess up your circadian rhythm. Our best advice is to plan ahead. So here are four.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 09 Topic : Meeting up with Friends [October 2023] Day 09 Topic : Meeting up with Friends Title : How to make friends Link : https://youtu.be/KfcYMojj2o0?si=oraTgPXIfGlUHR_Q Time : 00:00~00:38 1. Script At some point in your life, you're going to go through a big change. You'll need to make new friends. We always think, "We're supposed to be friends forever." But then, you might go to a new school. Or move to a new city. Or start .. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 08 Topic : Jobs [October 2023] Day 08 Topic : Jobs Title : Why You Will Never Have a Great Career - Jordan Peterson Link : https://youtu.be/R6tKyE5eKA4?si=qns55CbVHjyaPfzN Time : 00:00~00:59 1. Script The first lie is you're going to have a career. Okay, no, a tiny fraction of people have careers. Maybe two percent. Okay, most people have jobs. Yeah, and the definition of a job is an activity that you get paid .. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 07 Topic : Shopping [October 2023] Day 07 Topic : Shopping Title : COME SHOPPING WITH ME | ulta vlog Link : https://youtu.be/PT2XpqkHkRA?si=yNB9gIWJLJHU1t3h Time : 00:00~00:59 1. Script Hey guys, come shopping with me at Ulta. I ran out of my moisturizer, so I need to buy it. That is the only thing I need to get in here. If I walk out with anything else, I'm gonna be so mad. I have my energy drink to keep me compan.. 2023. 10. 31.