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[October 2023] Day 13 Topic : Books [October 2023] Day 13 Topic : Books Title : 5 Simple Hacks To Read Like A CEO (60 books per year) Link : https://youtu.be/AeESOFUrMcw?si=SYK1-k6sNqKjAU_K Time : 00:00~00:58 1. Script Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, sixty. This is how many books an average CEO reads a year. Here are some hacks that would help you reach that number. The moment there is a book that you're not .. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 12 Topic : Family [October 2023] Day 12 Topic : Family Title : Come on a road trip with us!🚗 Thanks to @cvspharmacy for helping us stay on track while on-the-go! Link : https://youtu.be/Mltj3nYIWNE?si=5QNuZdMH9yu1cve0 Time : 00:00~00:47 1. Script Come with us on a nine-hour road trip with three kids. For this road trip, I wanted to do something fun. I tried to prevent hearing the dreaded "are we there yet" 500 ti.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 11 Topic : TV Shows [October 2023] Day 11 Topic : TV Shows Title : EASY Way to Learn English! (Watching TV) Link : https://youtu.be/LO0v1N8YQBs?si=5B9TlizJNj1OjWuu Time : 00:00~00:56 1. Script Five English TV shows that will help you learn English. "Friends" is probably the most common TV show used for people learning English. Celebrities and all different kinds of people have credited "Friends" with helping them u.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 10 Topic : Sleeping [October 2023] Day 10 Topic : Sleeping Title : 4 EASY Tips to Adjust to Standard Time Link : https://youtu.be/xAtu9NIyJHs?si=cPEhmp4fmTctqjqL Time : 00:00~00:39 1. Script For many in the US, the first Saturday in November is the end of daylight savings time. Now, even though we gain an hour of sleep, this can still mess up your circadian rhythm. Our best advice is to plan ahead. So here are four.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 09 Topic : Meeting up with Friends [October 2023] Day 09 Topic : Meeting up with Friends Title : How to make friends Link : https://youtu.be/KfcYMojj2o0?si=oraTgPXIfGlUHR_Q Time : 00:00~00:38 1. Script At some point in your life, you're going to go through a big change. You'll need to make new friends. We always think, "We're supposed to be friends forever." But then, you might go to a new school. Or move to a new city. Or start .. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 08 Topic : Jobs [October 2023] Day 08 Topic : Jobs Title : Why You Will Never Have a Great Career - Jordan Peterson Link : https://youtu.be/R6tKyE5eKA4?si=qns55CbVHjyaPfzN Time : 00:00~00:59 1. Script The first lie is you're going to have a career. Okay, no, a tiny fraction of people have careers. Maybe two percent. Okay, most people have jobs. Yeah, and the definition of a job is an activity that you get paid .. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 07 Topic : Shopping [October 2023] Day 07 Topic : Shopping Title : COME SHOPPING WITH ME | ulta vlog Link : https://youtu.be/PT2XpqkHkRA?si=yNB9gIWJLJHU1t3h Time : 00:00~00:59 1. Script Hey guys, come shopping with me at Ulta. I ran out of my moisturizer, so I need to buy it. That is the only thing I need to get in here. If I walk out with anything else, I'm gonna be so mad. I have my energy drink to keep me compan.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 06 Topic : Hospitals [October 2023] Day 06 Topic : Hospitals Title : How can regular medical check ups contribute to a longer life? Link : https://youtu.be/9ga54tWmv1Q?si=paWB4ZeQIlUMbeUR Time : 00:00~00:58 1. Script Regular medical check-ups are crucial for the early detection of potential health issues. Many illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease, have a much higher survival rate when detected early. The NIH .. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 05 Topic : Hiking [October 2023] Day 05 Topic : Hiking Title : Tips for hiking in the snow ❄️ Link : https://youtu.be/GGl-BuU4p4Q?si=v593fTZbpFLtgrsi Time : 00:00~00:58 1. Script If you're hiking in the Sierras this summer, you'll definitely be seeing some snow. So, here are a couple of tips for hiking in the snow: Trekking Poles: These are great for extra stability and can prevent slips and falls. Just make sure.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] 1 minute speech : What is a REIT? Real Estate Investment Trusts Explained (2021) [October 2023] 1 minute speech_Week 2 in October Title : What is a REIT? Real Estate Investment Trusts Explained (2021) Link : https://youtu.be/X0xDgGMnlAs?si=H4_HrybUXuxPIN2m Time : 00:00~03:17 1. Summary Hello everyone, Have you ever walked by a big mall or apartment building and thought about owning a piece of it? That's where REITs come in. REITs, short for Real Estate Investment Trusts, are.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 04 Topic : Computer [October 2023] Day 04 Topic : Computer Title : What to do if your Computer is Stuck on a Black Screen Link : https://youtu.be/Qb2_0KIUtP4?si=IoSQ5fF9qW7_ZFr1 Time : 00:00~00:20 1. Script If your computer's stuck on a black screen, there's a way to bring it back without having to restart it. I'm going to show you exactly what to do. By the way, save this video for later. You'll need it. If you ca.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 03 Topic : Studying [October 2023] Day 03 Topic : Studying Title : 🤔 Don't just study harder, study smarter! Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn0u25qXyUM&ab_channel=CajunKoiAcademy Time : 00:00~00:32 1. Script When it comes to getting better grades, where do most students get wrong? I think every student goes through the same thought process. But they always start off thinking that they need to spend more tim.. 2023. 10. 31.
[October 2023] Day 02 Topic : Drinking [October 2023] Day 02 Topic : Drinking Title : What quitting alcohol does to your body and mind day by day Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAiNjcSm3Nc&ab_channel=TheSunHealth Time : 00:00~00:57 1. Script What quitting alcohol does to your body and mind day by day. Day three: feeling energized. You'll notice a reduction in hangover symptoms. This includes noisier headaches and tiredness. T.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 19 Topic : Libraries [September 2023] Day 19 Topic : Libraries Title : The Most Beautiful Library in New York City Link : https://youtu.be/Mvk49TarEYQ?si=bfivUB1KDchirRLc Time : 00:00~00:53 1. Script This is known as one of the most beautiful libraries in the entire world. It belonged to J.P. Morgan. This guy over here, who's known as one of the richest men in American history. Here's his private safe where he store.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 18 Topic : Musical [September 2023] Day 18 Topic : Musical Title : Is HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD on Broadway Worth It? Link : https://youtu.be/vjoWQCk-2xw?si=pNOFjbQdJWuLuJK2 Time : 00:00~00:58 1. Script This is your sign to go see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway now. This was my second time seeing the show. And it seemed even more magical the second time around. The entire inside of the theat.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 17 Topic : coffee [September 2023] Day 17 Topic : coffee Title : How to Make Amazing Cold Brew Coffee Link : https://youtu.be/LMsOrTNDHRQ?si=aV-0nj7Mvsm1vnxw Time : 00:00~00:38 1. Script Let's get you making some delicious cold brew. I really recommend using a French press. My cold brew recipe uses 65 grams of coarsely ground coffee, think like bread crumbs, for one liter of water. Now you're going to want to ens.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 16 Topic : Game [September 2023] Day 16 Topic : Game Title : Solve any Rubiks Cube with 2 moves Link : https://youtu.be/Ttf3OLse2iQ?si=QxRGxNphWWkt9Q1M Time : 00:00~00:56 1. Script All right, so this is probably one of the best-kept secrets for solving the Rubik's Cube. I almost considered not sharing this with you guys because it kind of takes the fun out of it. But I figured, I don't know, maybe you could use.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 15 Topic : Internet Shopping [September 2023] Day 15 Topic : Internet Shopping Title : WORST THING ABOUT SHOPPING ONLINE Link : https://youtu.be/Ts_FFUIjCno?si=NNDqykedpho4hEG0 Time : 00:00~00:48 1. Script I can't be the only one going through this, right? So, I was in my room of my new apartment, thinking about life like I usually do on Tuesdays, when I realized it's extremely dark in here and I don't have a lamp. So I run.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 14 Topic : Music [September 2023] Day 14 Topic : Music Title : Music to Listen to While Studying Link : https://youtu.be/RB069VIqTeI?si=dj38p4ZOB47jKVXx Time : 00:00~00:28 1. Script Let's make a study playlist that'll save your grades by the end of the year. First up, history. We're gonna pull up some sophisticated classical tunes. Mozart and Beethoven are now your best friends. But once we get to math, forget a.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 13 Topic : Fitness Center [September 2023] Day 13 Topic : Fitness Center Title : I learned how to play tennis for 30 days #shorts Link : https://youtu.be/Pfki4IH_QGg?si=7SxSmaj3GELAcfpJ Time : 00:00~00:38 1. Script What if I tried to learn how to play tennis for 30 days? I didn't start off too hot, but for the past month, I've been learning how to play tennis. I took lessons with coaches and also played a few times a wee.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023]Day 12 Topic : Daily Life [September 2023] Day 12 Topic : Daily Life Title : Day in the life working in Private Equity #shorts Link : https://youtu.be/rwBGN5Im-Ao?si=MhMtmcRkDTATBS8M Time : 00:00~00:55 1. Script In the life of an analyst working at a real estate private equity firm, I wake up early around 5:30 in the morning. I do this so I can get to the gym before work. I don't have too much time to work out every day,.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 11 Topic : Dating [September 2023] Day 11 Topic : Dating Title : Why Dating Today Is Nearly Impossible Link : https://youtu.be/KZkeSOCIiXc?si=8rUwHZtW73bABY8r Time : 00:00~00:44 1. Script Is dating today, in your opinion, harder than it's ever been? I was friends with my boyfriend before we started dating, and I feel like that's a more natural transition than like seeing features on your screen and trying to make.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 10 Topic : Smart Phone [September 2023] Day 10 Topic : Smart Phone Title : Removable Batteries Are Back #shortsyoutube Link : https://youtu.be/v0xFAkSKUPY?si=NZrpsi-hdL8y0AGo Time : 00:00~00:47 1. Script Soon all phones might need to have replaceable batteries, at least if you're in Europe. The EU has approved a law that mandates that all phones, along with tablets, have an easily removable and replaceable battery. Th.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 9 Topic : Food [September 2023] Day 9 Topic : Food Title : What I Ate for Lunch in 7/11 Korea Link : https://youtu.be/GVsFUEyfIjI?si=LXMrYz76_cr5G5jl Time : 00:00~00:59 1. Script Today I'm going to get lunch from 7-Eleven Korea. When you walk inside you have a vast selection of cup noodle brands to choose from. I went with sesame ramen today because it's my favorite cup noodle flavor. Then I headed over to the.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 8 Topic : Weather [September 2023] Day 8 Topic : Weather Title : Stormy weather in the forecast, Updates on Hurricane Lee Link : https://youtu.be/ddWm2N720N0?si=cu99ZR2WcH0kBuRo Time : 00:00~00:52 1. Script We're starting off with some showers, even some rumbles of Thunder for your Sunday morning. In fact, just hearing some pretty heavy rain on the roof of our studio moving through in portions of Columbia now. So.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] 1 minute speech : HOW TO BECOME FINANCIALLY FREE IN YOUR 20s [September 2023] 1 minute speech Title : HOW TO BECOME FINANCIALLY FREE IN YOUR 20s | money mindset, passive income & investing for beginners Link : https://youtu.be/xAGyhkWoDX8?si=eg0aXF-NLAblEJsR Time : 19:55~28:30 1. Summary Today, I'd like to share some valuable insights on achieving financial freedom. Let's delve into three key principles for financial success: 1.Value Over Cost: Rather tha.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 7 Topic : Public Transportation [September 2023] Day 7 Topic : Public Transportation Title : How Bad Is American Public Transportation Link : https://youtu.be/-GDZ_vJ2pLA?si=gMAcSitNYIcUs0ns Time : 00:00~00:58 1. Script How easy is it to use public transportation in a foreign country? Well, I need to get to The Budapest Airport, and I can either take the bus or I can take a taxi. How do you figure out the public transportation.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 6 Topic : SNS [September 2023] Day 6 Topic : SNS Title : Are You Too Old For Social Media? Link : https://youtu.be/I1uw_cgRX2I?si=ApqIrPCSFfXHS2U8 Time : 00:00~00:56 1. Script Hey Chris, can you go ahead and give us your good side? Yeah, uh, no, not this one, but not this one, your other one. Yeah, that's the one. Have you ever said this to yourself, "Ugh, this is a young person's game. Social media is for yo.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad [September 2023] Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad Title : a very realistic day studying abroad in sydney, australia Link : https://youtu.be/PCE1Psmm1Hg?si=TGegT6kp22xfxTdj Time : 00:00~00:41 1. Script Welcome to a very realistic day in my life studying abroad in Sydney, Australia. I woke up at around 7:30 a.m. and headed to the gym for a quick workout – hitting the bench, so I'm proud of that. Then.. 2023. 10. 31.
[September 2023] Day 4 Topic : Home [September 2023] Day 4 Topic : Home Title : I Turned My Brother’s Room Into an Airbnb Link : https://youtu.be/AmLzD3XEhsw?si=3WUlKTGU6M7rHZDt Time : 00:00~00:41 1. Script I'm turning my brother's room into an Airbnb. You see, my brother moved out for college, and I don't want to miss out on free money. So, I'm gonna clean his room and list it on Airbnb to see how much money we can make. Let's ge.. 2023. 10. 31.